Graphic design books come in all shapes sizes and subject matters, being such a broad subject area everyone is going to have their own opinions depending on their specialisms and interests. Here are my top five some reasons why. I’ve included links to where you can get a copy of these books if you would like to check them out for yourself.
1. Graphic Design The New Basic
by Ellen Lupton & Jenifer Cole Phillips
This was one of the first design books I purchased as a student, it has had a few versions over the years but ultimately the content and premise remains the same. The book runs down the the variety of different considerations styles and forms to take into account when designing. Its a great book for referencing from even today when you need little inspiration and does what is says on the tin for making you aware of the basics you need to consider when starting as a graphic designer.
2. Know your Onions: Graph Design
by Drew de Soto
This book was recommended to me right from university but it wasn’t until another 4 years later that I finally brought it on a whim. Its quite unfortunate that it did take me this long as its a very good book and the content is perhaps a lot more relevant to me now than it would have been back then. The book runs through the nuances of the design industry. I believe there is at least two more book in this series one relating to web design and one to corporate identity which I am looking forward to picking up based on the quality of the information and guidance found in this book.
3. 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design
by Steven Heller & Vernoique Vienne
This book is a great reference book that runs through 100 design language ideas that have hugely impacted on graphic design. the book contains information about all of these changes and image examples for these styling developments. Great for if you are a student setting out learning the ropes or a season designer looking for a quick piece of inspiration.
4. Ogilvy On Advertising
by David Ogilvy
This book is a really interesting book ab out the the adverting industry by one of the adverting industries major players of the day. this book is full of excellent advice and creative guidance given in a forward and conversational kind of way. It’s great for getting an incite in to the theories and thought process of one the pioneers of advertising.
5. Typography Sketchbooks
by Steven Heller & Lita Talarico
This book is fantastic purely for typographic reference and inspiration. this book focuses on the sketchbook designs of typographers and how they go about creating some truly characterful type in some cases construction lines and all. The typographic art work in this book gets it nicely into my top 5.
This is my rundown of my top 5 books I would recommend I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts or any books you would recommend in the comment section below.